
We want to speak in English, we want to document our lives on the tablets...  

Summary: Notes from our training session with 55 women leaders in the districts of North Karnataka; Names of participants have been changed for confidential purposes.
We completed the first round of Magic Slate ICT training sessions and it was a thought-provoking, as well as an overwhelming experience for us. We heard stories, and life experiences of these women leaders. The stories revolved around challenges, hurdles and learning curves at the same time. The training was a two-way learning process. These women are fast learners. They showed great enthusiasm and dedication to learn to use the Tablets - they quickly learned how to take …read more

Ye Hai eSpeak Hindustani (This is Hindustani eSpeak) – eSpeak Hindi, modification by Mahiti  

Summary: I was proud and anxious, when I got involved in modifying Hindi pronunciation in eSpeak.
I was proud and anxious, when I got involved in modifying Hindi pronunciation in eSpeak. As a member of Mahiti's eSpeak team, I was in a way responsible to work on the nations' national language Hindi, a language that is 5th most spoken language in the world.   I was feeling anxious because I knew Hindi dictionaries were used as the base for all other regional languages we were working on. I was to be …read more

SMS IVR Systems   

Summary: Mobile based solutions is the future of our nation, in a way.
Shares Vijay, CTO, We will soon share updates on our upcoming SMS IVR (Integrated Voice Response) systems projects. Mobile based solutions is the future of our nation, in a way. Its easily accessible, cost effective and low maintenance. Stay tuned for IVR section on our website, www.mahiti.orgread more

Problem of Nooru and Nootionnu (100 and 101)- Mahiti's effort to refine Malayalam pronunciation in eSpeak  

Summary: It was to put my mothertongue for the ears of numerous others to listen to the perfectness, purity and beauty of it
Malayalam was already included in eSpeak when Mahiti got involved to modify or add languages in it. Being involved otherwise, in developing solutions for community oriented projects, this was quite a challenge, an interesting one too. It was to put my mothertongue for the ears of numerous others to listen to the perfectness, purity and beauty of it. The Beginning Alphabets were fine in eSpeak, and the pronunciations of those …read more

Development of TTS (Text To Speech) in Regional Languages – eSpeak  

Summary: Presentation on work done by Mahiti to enable Indian languages in eSpeak TTS
Sreekanth shares, “I was invited to present a paper on “Development of TTS in regional languages – eSpeak" during the National Conference on "Promoting Accessibility in Higher Education and Transportation for Girls with Visual Impairment", held on 23rd Aug 2013. The conference was organised by Mitra Jyoti, Bangalore. It was an honour to share the dais for the panel discussion with, Dipendra Manocha, President, DAISY Forum of India, Dr. Ramana P, Senior Research Analyst, Amazon and Session …read more

Supporting human rights activists for greater visibility and outreach in society through technology  

Summary: Training workshops for women activists on open source technology, internet media and communications
Image courtesy: NESA training, Bangalore We provide training to grass-root level human right activists and marginalised groups on free and open source technology and tools and internet media in order to help support their goals of greater visibility and reach in society. We have trained activists, including 300 women activists, from 2010 – 2012, across Chattisgarh, Assam, West Bengal, Mizoram, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala by partnering with organisations and networks. Our modules are tailor-made for …read more