Against all odds

As humans we have a tendency to crib about traffic, roads, weather, education system, schools, teachers, knowledge, skill, community, migrants, languages and a myriad of other issues that bother us at the personal level on an everyday basis. But there are a few who dare to think beyond their own lives and think a lot more about those who do not enjoy the little comforts and joys of life that we take for granted. Sujata Sahu – a US returned techie - whose trek through the treacherous mountain passes in northern India, changed not only her life but also that of some of the most isolated communities, was one such person.
Passionate about education and moved by the plight of the children whose future looked bleak due to lack of quality education, Sujata set up the 17000Ft Foundation. The Foundation’s vision is of “a world where geography and distances offer no barriers to opportunity and growth”.
Mahiti is proud to be the Technology Partner of 17000Ft Foundation, partnering with their vision of improving life’s opportunities for 40,000 children in close to 900 State-run schools in the Ladakh region of northern India.
To Sujata Sahu and her like-minded friends this is a mission that goes beyond lip-service.
Wish to learn more about this visionary, her team and the Foundation?
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