
I am on Facebook... Are you?   

I am on Facebook... Are you?

Social media spark a revelation that we, the people, have a voice, and through the democratisation of content and ideas we can once again unite around common passions, inspire movements, and ignite change.” ― Brian Solis (Author-Engage: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web)

Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, Flickr, Blogger, Wikipedia have become as popular as Yahoo, Gmail, Rediffmail, and Orkut today. They all play and have played an integral role in improving the process of communications for formal and informal organisations, across the globe.  Do I remember the number of long lost friends I found on Facebook... No, and I doubt even you do. But do we realise the most popular social networking portals, FB, Twitter, and LinkedIn, have much more to offer than just finding long lost friends and sharing information on the virtual arena.

The world wide 'virtual world of Internet' is way beyond exchanging emails and e-cards in the present date. It is a simpler, cost effective and the most easily accessible junction for networking, sharing information, running campaigns, publicising events, building brand awareness and public relations, to name a few.   

  • Upload/edit a video, on It’s free!

  • Post regular feeds on day-to-day activities and stay connected with the whos’ who. Just log on to the most popular microblogging web portal,, it’s free!

  • Upload photos on the world wide web on It’s free!

  • Build potential professional contacts, receive testimonials and enforcements from partners and associates, start an account on It’s free!

  • Upload information, photos, video, start interactive forums, voting polls etc. with a blog. It’s accessible to the public and yes, it’s free!

  • Share information about yourself, your work, your organisation, it’s genesis, the journey, the dream, the vision, on the most popular information portal, wikipedia. It’s free!

  • Run and promote a campaign, enhance brand awareness, stay updated on what your partners and associates are upto. Do all this and much more on facebook. It’s easy and indeed, it’s free!

These are just a few popular portals to share information on the world wide web. It’s time, we get rid of our apprehensions and reservations of not sharing information with the rest of the world.

Yes, it is time we share our dreams, aspirations, interests and work with the rest of the world, as we all know, “You are what you share.” ― Charles Leadbeater (Author- We Think: The Power Of Mass Creativity)

                                                                                                                                Image copyrights: Teach For India
                                                                                                                                                    Source: Google
