
Everybody is a storyteller...  

Everybody is a storyteller...

Summary :

There is no better way to communicate than the virtual mode of communication.

I started working with Mahiti in November 2009. The most interesting part of my journey was exploring how communications and technology work hand-in-hand for streamlining internal and external communications of NGOs & civil society organisations. In the past, Mahiti focussed on the role of technology to support social change. Discovering the role of communications with technology for NGOs was undoubtedly the most exciting bit. It gave us a lot of space for creativity, innovation and new ideas as opposed to the conventional ways.

Internet and social media in particular have been very important for NGOs and social activists for creating awareness and resource mobilisation. It has changed the status quo of who receives information and who has access to the same. It has opened up space for anyone and everyone to acquire skills they desire. No more can NGOs hide behind the reasons of inaccessibility of information, due to lack of knowledge or platforms available. I have personally felt that the impact of internet and social media in particular is huge. Its a wonderful platform to network and connect with similar mindsets and similar work interests across the globe. Connecting with another organisation in a completely different continent altogether has never been so simple before.

I feel everybody is a storyteller, and can tell their story the way they want. There is no better way to communicate than the virtual mode of communication.

We need to get over the culture of being modest and reserved about what we do and why we do it. I think people would love to hear more stories through easy channels of communication. The development sector is responsible to tell these stories to society and make people aware of what is going on. The use of communications and technology together is not just for resource mobilisation but to create a society that is connected.

                                                                                   - Trupti Chengalath, Head, Communications
