Ye Hai eSpeak Hindustani (This is Hindustani eSpeak) – eSpeak Hindi, modification by Mahiti Sept. 10, 2013, 6:03 a.m.
Summary: I was proud and anxious, when I got involved in modifying Hindi pronunciation in eSpeak.
Description: I was proud and anxious, when I got involved in modifying Hindi pronunciation in eSpeak. As a member of Mahiti's eSpeak team, I was in a way responsible to work on the nations' national language Hindi, a language that is 5th most spoken language in the world. I was feeling anxious because I knew Hindi dictionaries were used as the base for all other regional languages we were working on. I was to be …
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Problem of Nooru and Nootionnu (100 and 101)- Mahiti's effort to refine Malayalam pronunciation in eSpeak Sept. 4, 2013, 5:47 a.m.
Summary: It was to put my mothertongue for the ears of numerous others to listen to the perfectness, purity and beauty of it
Description: Malayalam was already included in eSpeak when Mahiti got involved to modify or add languages in it. Being involved otherwise, in developing solutions for community oriented projects, this was quite a challenge, an interesting one too. It was to put my mothertongue for the ears of numerous others to listen to the perfectness, purity and beauty of it. The Beginning Alphabets were fine in eSpeak, and the pronunciations of those …
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Development of TTS (Text To Speech) in Regional Languages – eSpeak Aug. 30, 2013, 8:24 a.m.
Summary: Presentation on work done by Mahiti to enable Indian languages in eSpeak TTS
Description: Sreekanth shares, “I was invited to present a paper on “Development of TTS in regional languages – eSpeak" during the National Conference on "Promoting Accessibility in Higher Education and Transportation for Girls with Visual Impairment", held on 23rd Aug 2013. The conference was organised by Mitra Jyoti, Bangalore. It was an honour to share the dais for the panel discussion with, Dipendra Manocha, President, DAISY Forum of India, Dr. Ramana P, Senior Research Analyst, Amazon and Session …
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Mahiti launches 'Bangla Bola' eSpeak (Bengali Speaking eSpeak) Aug. 28, 2013, 7:46 a.m.
Summary: Inclusion of Bengali in eSpeak - Text to Speech Software (Open Source)– Enabling the visually impaired to access information through technology
Description: In the process of adding a few Indian languages to eSpeak, we decided to include Bengali, a language that witnesses about 250 million total speakers. The base for the language, as for most of the Indian languages is Hindi. The pronunciation rules and the inherent vowels however have been modified to adopt the typical pronunciation of Bengali words. Inclusion of Bengali in eSpeak There is a detailed process on eSpeak to add new languages …
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Reading without Seeing: Mahiti's work on eSpeak Aug. 27, 2013, 4:02 a.m.
Summary: Espeak - Text to Speech Software (Open Source)– Enabling the visually impaired to access information through technology
Description: About Text to Speech Software (TTS) People who are literate and can see, are blessed with the ability to read. To them information of any kind, be it political, social, or even about entertainment are easily available through various forms of media. Those who are challenged with visual impairment are not so lucky to be able to read a newspaper, magazine or a blog post. They have to use their hearing ability to read, understand and comprehend. This …
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